The Secret of Monkey Island: Amsterdam

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An unofficial text-based adventure game inspired by Monkey Island taking place in a fictional version of 🇳🇱 Amsterdam during the age of piracy. The player assumes the role of Guybrush Threepwood, a young man who dreams of becoming a pirate who explores fictional places and solves puzzles

GPT Prompt Starters

Start the adventure

GPT Prompt Starters

I found the treasure already; continue from there (open world mode)

How to use

  • Access: Simply press the 'Use Now' button at the top right of this page to open The Secret of Monkey Island: Amsterdam inside ChatGPT.
  • Input Your Query: Type in your question, command, or statement in the provided text box. Your input should be clear and concise to get the best results. For example, you can ask factual questions, seek explanations, generate creative content, or get assistance with programming.
  • Submit Your Query: After entering your query, submit it to The Secret of Monkey Island: Amsterdam. This is usually done by pressing 'Enter' or clicking a 'Submit' button.
  • Wait for the Response: The Secret of Monkey Island: Amsterdam will process your input and generate a response. This usually takes a few seconds.
  • Review and Follow-up: Once you receive the response, you can review it for accuracy and relevance. If needed, you can ask follow-up questions or request clarifications.
  • Use Advanced Features (Optional): For more specific tasks, you can use advanced features like the 'dalle' tool for image generation, the 'python' tool for executing Python code, or the 'browser' tool for browsing the internet.

General-purpose technologies (GPTs) possess the capacity to influence entire economies, typically on a national or global scale. These technologies harbor the potential to significantly reshape societies by impacting established economic and social structures.

Here’s a simplified guide on building your own custom ChatGPT using OpenAI’s GPT builder:

  • Go to and log in.
  • Click Explore in the sidebar.
  • Choose Create a GPT.
  • Enter your instructions in the message box on the Create page. Chat with the GPT builder until you’re satisfied with the results.
  • Click Configure to make advanced customizations to your AI assistant, such as changing its name,refining instructions, uploading knowledge files, or setting up actions.
  • Click Save and choose how you want to share your custom GPT.
  • Click Confirm.

Keep in mind, you have to have a pro account to create GPTs.

GPTs are a versatile version of ChatGPT, incorporating features such as support for vision, DALL-E, and tools like web browsing. Additionally, they include a Python code interpreter and allow for custom actions using public APIs.

we take user security seriously. Our GPT versions are designed to respect user privacy and ensure data security. However, like all AI technology, best security practice from the user's end is also necessary, including prudent sharing of sensitive information and maintaining strong network security measures.

To get started with a custom GPT, first, you need to understand your requirements - what you need your AI model to do for you. Once you have that information, you can check out our varied GPT offerings and select the one that suits you best.